Roll-A-Ball (The Captain Moo) Mac OS

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Manufacturer Profiles

This is a list of information we have gathered from a variety of sources on some of the major analog reel to reel tape recorder manufacturers. Please note the source 'credits' on this page. While we have strived to provide the best information available to us, there will be corrections and additions. We include personal stories about the companies when they are provided to us. We always invite input on corrections and updates. Thank you!

News coverage #1

The Official Channel for The Captain Moo. I'm an indie game developer looking to better myself in the art's of game development. Here you can find the latest. Military Assault Command'Captain Archer said he wanted the best.Hoshi Sato and J. Hayes Military Assault Command Operations (commonly abbreviated as 'MACO', pronounced 'MAY-ko') was a United Earth organization that existed as a part of the United Earth Military during the 2150s, prior to the founding of the Federation. The MACOs were not associated with Starfleet. As of 2153, MACO tactics. Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android Features. All cards from Wave 6 and Aces pack. Resolution and Quality Setting (Options-Video). Support for default installed upgrades for ships in the Squad Builder (by rune-b). Tractored ships may rotate 90 degrees (by rune-b). By rune-b: Jarek Yaeger, Colossus Station Mechanic, Proud Tradition. Play on MAC OS or Windows Media Player While most content deals with the history and manufacturers of the reel to reel tape recorder, or tape deck, we cover many aspects of magnetic recording. We provide 48 hours during which to download the files. A fact file with key information about the amazing Captain Tom Moore with details about his life and how his landmark 100th birthday was celebrated.

News coverage #2

Roll-a-ball (the Captain Moo) Mac Os Operating System

• mobile video • more info

The Vintage DVD set is not currently available. The entire 7 hour production is downloadable for $9.95 at this link.

Go to: • 3M • AEG/Magnetophon • Akai • Altec • Amplifier Corp • Ampex • Ampro • Astatic • Astrocom/Marlux • Bang & Olufsenl • Bell & Howell • Bell Labs • Berlant Concertone • Beyerdynamic • Brüel & Kjær • Brenell • Brush • Cetec Gauss • Concord • Craig • Crown • Denon •Dokorder • Dual • Edison • Eico • Electro Sound • Electro Voice • EMI/Gramophone • Ferrograph • Fostex • Freeman • Grundig • HeathKit • ITC • JVC • KLH • Leevers Rich • Lyrec • Magnecord • Marantz • Maxell • MCI • Mitsubishi • Nagra • Nakamichi • Neumann • Newcomb • Neve • Oki • Otari • Pentron • Philips • Pioneer • Presto • Radio Shack/Realistic • Rangertone • RCA • Reeves Soundcraft • Roberts • Rola • Sansui • Scully • Sennheiser • Shure • Solid State Logic • Sony • Soundcraft • Spectone • Stancil Hoffman • Stellavox • Stephens • Studer ReVox • Tandberg • Tape-Athon •Tapesonic • Teac/Tascam • Technics • Telefunken • Tolnai • Toshiba • Uher • Viking • Vortexion Ltd UK • Webster Chicago/Webcor • Webster Electric • Western Electric/Altec • Wilcox-Gay • Wollensak

Roberts Recorders • Califone Part 1 of 2 • Go to Part 2

On December 11, 2012, Chris & Martin Theophilus, Directors for the Museum of Magnetic Sound Recording, interviewed 95 year old Robert G. Metzner in his home in Beverly Hills, California. His son, Dr. Richard Metzner facilitated the interview and Robert Metzner's wife of 72 years, Esther Metzner joined in the interview and hosted lunch. We provide links to video clips from the interview on this and the Stories page.

Roberts reel to reel tape recorders were built in Japan by Akai according to Robert Metzner's specs. Roberts Recorders' staff performed quality control checks on every unit when it arrived in California, prior to being sent to distributors.

Robert Metzner (Califone/Roberts Recorders) designed Akai's recorders, Akai built them, sent them to Roberts in the US who inspected the machines and sold them only in North America under the Roberts brand. Roberts held this franchise until 1971. Akai was free to sell the Robert Metzner designed recorders everywhere except in North America, branding them as Akai. Akai branded units in the US prior to 1971 were mostly brought back from Asia by service personnel. Freeman was a brief rebranding of Akai machines as part of Roberts Electronics, then dropped.

Robert G. Metzner founded several companies including:

• Pacific Sound Equipment Company International, Inc.
• Califone (which became Rheem Califone)
• Roberts Recorders (which became Rheem Roberts)
• Hyricon and
• Hear, See, Now, Inc.

View his Son Richard's page about his Dad • MOMSR's Stories section on Roberts Recorders

Founding Donor of the Museum of Magnetic Sound Recording

The Metzner Family - Esther Metzner, Robert Metzner & Richard Metzner • Richard Metzner's comments • Beverly Hills, CA

February 17,1917 - December 21, 2014

We were saddened to learn about the passing of Robert G. Metzner on December 21, 2014.

Robert G. Metzner built his first crystal radio set at age 9. He got his ham radio license and later he acquired his First Class Radio Telephone license at age 16. VIDEO

Robert G. Metzner (pictured in Caltech's 1938 annual) majored in electrical engineering at Caltech. He worked his way through university going to class in the morning and then working for the Hadley Transformer Company in the afternoons. He then was hired by Allied Phonograph and Records.

He founded Pacific Sound Equipment Company and provided portable 16 inch transcription turntable players to salesmen who marketed their 16 inch discs to the film industry. When WW II began his company provided transcription turntables and other A/V products to the US military during WW II. The company ceased to exist when the war ended. VIDEO

After the war, Pacific Sound Equipment Company held such a large inventory of military style turntables that the company had to go into receivership.

Metzner Founds Califone

On March 21, 1947 with backing from his mother and a friend, Bill Maas, Robert Metzner (pictured left in the 1940's) founded CalifoneCorporation which later became the educational products division of Roberts Recorders. VIDEO

Califone is still in business today and manufactures state-of-the-art consumer audio components and, was the first U.S. company to offer a reel-to-reel tape recorder and solid state radio tuners to the general public. Metzner's Califone company provided transcription turntables. VIDEO

To help Square Dancing groups popular at the time, Robert G. Metzner in 1953 invented and patented (right) a variable speed control for the turntables. VIDEO

Here are some photos from the early Califone factory from Califone International.

photos - Califone International

Califone products in use VIDEO

Roberts Electronics, Inc.

Robert G. Metzner and Robert Craig founded Roberts Electronics, Inc. Robert Craig's farther Talton Craig was Robert G. Metzner's Califone distributer. Talton Craig enabled Robert Metzner to acquire a wide distribution network for Califone & Roberts. VIDEO When Robert G. Metzner and Robert Craig began building Roberts Recorders, their first logo was double 'Rs' and British solicitors/attorneys contacted them due to the similarity to the Rolls Royce logo. (1958 Roberts Electronics ad - right) VIDEO

Roberts contracts with Akai as their supplier and retains exclusive North American sales

Robert Metzner's relationship with Akai first started around 1953 with a turntable that was brought in for repair to Califone. Robert's brother-in-law, who was working for him at the time said there was a very unusual motor in the player. Robert Metzner noted the numbers of the motor and found they were registered to Saburo Akai. Mr. Metzner contacted Akai and said he would like to know if they were making these motors and if not, could he have the tooling to make them. If they were making them, could he get their distributorship. Akai sent Robert Metzner a brochure about the motors they were manufacturing. A relationship developed and Akai provided motors for some of the Califone products.

When Akai first sent tape recorder demos to Roberts Electronics, Metzner said they were of very poor quality and he recommended they aspire for the quality of Ampex. He sent an Ampex 600 to Akai and they actually copied the basic design. The early Akai and Roberts Recorders had the similar look, however not the electronics and mechanics of Ampex. VIDEO

Roberts Electronics, Inc. negotiated an arrangement with Akai wherein Akai would build the machines to Roberts specs, they would be shipped from Japan to the US where Roberts would inspect every unit before it went out to sales. Further, Robert Metzner negotiated a contract that enabled Roberts Electronics to be the sole North American distributor for the recorders. Akai sold the same, or similar models to the rest of the world under the Akai name and paid royalties to Metzner. This lasted until 1972 when Akai entered the US market. Robert Metzner learned the Japanese language and made 12 trips to Japan beginning in 1958, forming a strong relationship with Saburo Akai (who founded Akai in 1929) until Saburo Akai's death in 1973. VIDEO 1VIDEO 2

Akai 345Roberts 400

Roberts 4000X 1965 $795• Akai X-355

Roberts 333X 1970 - 1973 $549.95

Roberts 333 reel, cassette and 8 track unit. Movie of Roberts 333X working - RealPlayer Ad71 catalog listing

Akai X-2000SD $549.95

1973 catalog listing On sale $495

Here's the Akai version of the Roberts 333X

Not in collection

Roberts celebrity endorsements

In the 1960's Roberts Recorder ads displayed a high number of significant celebrities endorsing the brand. Robert Metzner said that as they were based in Hollywood, it would be good to profile their recorders with known stars. His first indorsement came from Rudy Vallee. VIDEO

Rheem buys Califone and Roberts Recorders

In the late 1950's Congress allocated 4 billion dollars for educational resources in the US. Rheem Manufacturing Company (started in 1927 by brothers Richard and Donald Rheem as a supplier of packaging to the petroleum industry and now manufacture of air conditioning, heating and water cooling products). Rheem wanted to participate in supplying educational products and receive a portion of the funds. In 1959, Jack Davis approached Robert Metzner about Rheem acquiring interest in Califone. Rheem acquired a substantial majority interest in Califone Corp., in 1959, and a minority interest in Roberts Electronics, Inc., in 1961, and formed the Rheem Califone-Roberts Division, selling tape recorders, teaching machines, sound systems and other related equipment for the home, schools and industry. Robert G. Metzner was retained as a consultant and continued with Rheem/Califone/Roberts. Robert Craig left and founded Craig Electronics. VIDEO

Rheem/Roberts/Califone 3100 tape re coder photos
donated by Bill Freund

Jack Davis' signature (above left) appeared on a plaque on several of the Rheem Roberts tape recorders. Comparison of the same reel tape recorder branded by the three companies; Akai, Rheem Califone and Roberts Hell in a cell mac os.

Roberts tape recorders were also known for the Crossfield head indicated by the 'X' on the various tape recorders. VIDEO

Freeman Electronics - Roberts for a brief time in 1963 produced tape recorders under the Freeman Electronic Corporation name. Labeling on the Freeman recorders indicated they were a division of Roberts. Robert Metzner did not mention this when we completed our interview, so anyone that may have additional information, please let us know.

Here are the Freeman ads we have in our collection.

Some Freeman articles from Billboard magazine 1963

Also here are some photos and comments from Tapeheads about the Freeman machines.

While going through more of my stuff I found another deck I forgot I had. I used to use it back in the 60's. A Freeman Model 200. Its an odd one and have never found any info on it anywhere nor have I ever seen another one. Freeman did make a couple of fairly high quality portable mono machines but never saw anything like this from them. Its from about '61 or '62. Built like a friggin' tank and weighs 60 lbs. Extremely well made. Its 3 motor, 4 head quarter track with reverse playback. Its odd that it says 'Professional Studio Model' on the head cover. The head cover alone weighs about 5 lbs (casting). The front panel is stainless steel and the 3 big screws are FRONT panel oil ports for the motors. There are tubes that go from behind the screws to the motor bearings. This thing even has a pitch control! Everything about this is high quality. The label on the back says 'Freeman Corp, a Division of Roberts'. It seems to have a lot of US made parts. All the knobs are cast and machined metal. I am trying to decide on whether to restore this or not. It needs the 2 belts and some capacitors replaced. I remember this thing worked really well 40 or so years ago. When I was in High School The transport is still in its shipping wood frame. I found this unit in some ones trash curb side!DaveInVA 2008 Tapeheads

A Freeman 660 'Senior' portable reel to reel. I kept this because it is so well built, every bit as nice as a FiCord, maybe even better. Its made by the same Freeman as the model 200 stereo deck I posted about a while back. This unit is all metal and weighs as much as some full size decks making me wonder just how portable it really is. Unlike most 3' decks that run at 1&7/8 and maybe 15/16, this deck runs at 7.5 & 3.75 and also 1&7/8 if you remove the capstan sleeve (Which amazingly isn't missing). It has a full size 3 digit counter like big decks and is capstan drive (not rim). Has a nice mini meter for battery and recording. The battery compartment is removable and all metal and has a sliding chrome cover. Still has its mic and some accessories like the 'Genuine Moo Hide' carry case and some adapters. The ac adapter is built in so it has a removable ac cord for home use. Best of all it still works and sounds great for a mono 3' portable. Runs off 6 'AA' batteries or ac. - DaveInVA 2008 Tapeheads

It always bothered me that the Freeman '660' I have doesn't exactly match the picture in the 1963 ad so I put 'Freeman 660' in my Fleabay watch list and eventually I got a hit. They wanted big money for it so after they ran it without selling it I made them an offer which they accepted so now I have another one. This one DOES match the one in the ad. Turns out the one in the ad at $159.50 is the 'cheap' version and the one I already had was the Deluxe model that sold for $199.50. It does say 'Senior' on it in addition to 660. The Senior model has the addition of a counter, FF capability, a tone control and built in ac adapter. Oh, and a bigger meter. They both use the same mechanism and the schematic and manual covers both models and a 550 model that I have never yet seen. Looks the same as an Olympus 'Penrecorder' though.
This one I just got off ebay didn't work. The motor and capstan flywheel were froze solid. As you can see from the photo I took of the inside this is not built like your average toy 3' recorder. All metal even inside. I oiled and greased as needed but the rubber tire on the motor shaft that runs against the bottom of the cast flywheel has a flat spot so it 'clunks' every time around. The flywheel has a flat belt wrapped around it so it acts as a idler to run the rewind hub. Like the other one it also has 1.875, 3.75 and 7.5 ips. The external ac adapter was missing so I used a 9vdc wall wart I had and put the needed 3.5mm plug on it. It works now except for the flat spot on the motor wheel. I will have to see what I can do with it. I did come with its microphone, never used leather shoulder strap. still sealed earphone, still sealed 3.5mm to RCA adapter and a Freeman telephone pickup.
As for the Citroen car company connection I don't believe there was any. This unit and the manual state 'Formerly Citroen Electronics Corp' so it looks like it was just a name change maybe at the car companies request. - DaveInVA 2008 Tapeheads

Roberts 1000 1/4' audio auto-reversing recorder with built in 1/4' black & white video recorder

This is the incredible 4 track reversing audio recorder with a built-in black and white video recorder.

Jerry Lewis pictured with Roberts 1000. '69 ad • Ad for Roberts 1050AW (note the Rheem Manufacturing address)

Rheem Roberts and Akai also released the Rheem Roberts 1000 which was a 1/4 track stereo auto-reversing audio reel to reel tape recorder with a built in black & white video tape recorder. It used the same 1/4' tape and when the tape was re-threaded would record and playback B&W video. Built by Akai, it was released under the Akai brand as the X-500VT

Robert G. Metzner Tape Mechanism Patents

Robert G. Metzner holds a total of 12 patents. Included are the reverse dial mechanism on the Roberts 400X (right). He also patented and licensed to Akai the Roberts 333X technology that combined reel to reel, cassette and 8-Track into one tape recorder (left) VIDEO

Akai Begins US Sales

Billboard July 3, 1971 - 'Akai America will introduce a full line of tape players Sunday (27) at the Consumer Electronics Show, The Califone-Roberts division of Rheem Manufacturing Co. has entered into an agreement with Akai Electric Co., Ltd. of Japan that will allow certain tape products to be sold in the U.S. under both the Roberts and Akai brand names.

Under terms of the agreement, Roberts will continue to market the major part of the Akai made products under the Roberts label on an exclusive basis.

'The benefits to both parties this new agreement are numerous and mutually desired,.' said Roberts president C.R.Phillips. From 1974 to 1985, Mr. Phillips was Executive Vice President and Director of Akai America, Ltd.,

The last Roberts reel tape recorder we found was sold in 1973. It was the Roberts 5050X/XD.

Please view the complete Metzner Roberts Califone story at this link • Downloads of Roberts 23 minute video available at this link

Roberts, Rheem & Califone reel to reel tape recorders in our collection

1960 Roberts Duet 191-FT

1962 Roberts Duet 192-FT

1963 Roberts 400

1963 Rheem Califone 73-T

1964 Roberts 1055

1964 Roberts 330

1964 Roberts 770A

1965 Roberts 400X

1965 Roberts 6000

1966 Roberts 770X

1968 Roberts 1000

1970 Roberts 333X

More Photos from our Roberts collection

View the entire MOMSR interview with Robert Metzner

Part 1 of 2 • Go to Part 2

Go to: • 3M • AEG/Magnetophon • Akai • Altec • Amplifier Corp • Ampex • Ampro • Astatic • Astrocom/Marlux • Bang & Olufsenl • Bell & Howell • Bell Labs • Berlant Concertone • Beyerdynamic • Brüel & Kjær • Brenell • Brush • Cetec Gauss • Concord • Craig • Crown • Denon •Dokorder • Dual • Edison • Eico • Electro Sound • Electro Voice • EMI/Gramophone • Ferrograph • Fostex • Freeman • Grundig • HeathKit • ITC • JVC • KLH • Leevers Rich • Lyrec • Magnecord • Marantz • Maxell • MCI • Mitsubishi • Nagra • Nakamichi • Neumann • Newcomb • Neve • Oki • Otari • Pentron • Philips • Pioneer • Presto • Radio Shack/Realistic • Rangertone • RCA • Reeves Soundcraft • Roberts • Rola • Sansui • Scully • Sennheiser • Shure • Solid State Logic • Sony • Soundcraft • Spectone • Stancil Hoffman • Stellavox • Stephens • Studer ReVox • Tandberg • Tape-Athon •Tapesonic • Teac/Tascam • Technics • Telefunken • Tolnai • Toshiba • Uher • Viking • Vortexion Ltd UK • Webster Chicago/Webcor • Webster Electric • Western Electric/Altec • Wilcox-Gay • Wollensak

Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android

  • All cards from Wave 6 and Aces pack.
  • Resolution and Quality Setting (Options->Video).
  • Support for default installed upgrades for ships in the Squad Builder (by rune-b).
  • Tractored ships may rotate 90 degrees (by rune-b).
  • By rune-b: Jarek Yaeger, Colossus Station Mechanic, Proud Tradition / False Tradition.
  • By Sandrem: 'Ember', 'Rush', Nom Lumb, R1-J5 (pilot), R1-J5 (astromech), Kaz's Fireball, 'Holo', Deuterium Power Cells, Lieutenant LeHuse, Captain Phasma (pilot), Fifth Brother (pilot).
  • Skins by Andrew Lippens: ARC-170 'Wolffe', 'Moo' Lambda, Mining Guid Quadjumper, RoS Poe Dameron, Torrens (Blue, Gold, Wolfpack), Brown Vulture, Red Mining Guild TIE, New Republic RZ-2 A-wng, FO Black TIE/Ba, Imperial Red Stripe TIE/Ba.
  • By Matthew Cohen: awesome photos of miniatures as new splash screens.

By rune-b:

  • Spelling of Resistance Sympathizer is fixed.
  • Dengar should care about attacker being in his front sector, not arc - fixed.
  • Dial of Fireball is fixed.
  • Slam action of Coaxium Hyperfuel is fixed.
  • Mid game setup: set default rotation based on side the ship is entering from.
  • Stabilized S-foils: Second attack must be against same ship.
  • Informant should not be skippable.
  • Typo in Petranaki Arena Ace is fixed.
  • Spare parts canister should not use template when dropping.
  • Finch Dallow should only work with bombs.
  • Ship size restriction is removed from Instinctive Aim.
  • UI of R4 Astromech is fixed.
  • Talent slot is added to Rey.
  • Zertik should not have talent slot.
  • UpgradeBarRestriction should use actual upgrade slots on ship, not printed on card.

By randy-ja:

Roll-A-Ball (The Captain Moo) Mac OS

By rune-b:

  • Spelling of Resistance Sympathizer is fixed.
  • Dengar should care about attacker being in his front sector, not arc - fixed.
  • Dial of Fireball is fixed.
  • Slam action of Coaxium Hyperfuel is fixed.
  • Mid game setup: set default rotation based on side the ship is entering from.
  • Stabilized S-foils: Second attack must be against same ship.
  • Informant should not be skippable.
  • Typo in Petranaki Arena Ace is fixed.
  • Spare parts canister should not use template when dropping.
  • Finch Dallow should only work with bombs.
  • Ship size restriction is removed from Instinctive Aim.
  • UI of R4 Astromech is fixed.
  • Talent slot is added to Rey.
  • Zertik should not have talent slot.
  • UpgradeBarRestriction should use actual upgrade slots on ship, not printed on card.

By randy-ja:

  • Corrected points for RZ-2 pilot Green Squadron Expert.

A night alone (emik) mac os. By Sandrem:

Roll-a-ball (the Captain Moo) Mac Os Catalina

  • Fix of aura-like abilities.
  • Corrupted SE AI squadrons are fixed

Roll-a-ball (the Captain Moo) Mac Os Iso

Admiral Kit, Andrew Brennand, Andrew Girle, Andrew Lippens, Andy Selby, Beez Wax, Ben Duguid, Ben Russell, Ben Sturgis, Brad Ostaszewski, Brian Hall, Brian Roller, Byron Harder, Carey, Chris Schultz, Chris Welter, Christopher Naylor, Damon Jones, Dan Rosenthal, Daniel Orkwis, Danomight, Darin Schwarze, David G, Dennis Daniels, Emmanuel Broto, Fabian Falconett, Flinchy Thumbs, Graham Saunders, Guillaume L, Hans Johansson, Jake Asplund, James Campbell, James Kantor, Jared Groenewegen, Jay Reynolds, Jeremiah Blakley, Jim Henrickson, Joe Cacciottoli, John T. Harrison IV, John Worrall, Joseph Moore, Kevin Johnston, Kristof Teichel, Larry, marshall Grover, Matt Brown, Matt Johnson, Michael Binder, Mishary Alfaris, Mitchell Thomann, Nicolas GRELLIER, Niklas Nilsson, Noah Kolman, ottu, Patrick Boyajian, Patrick Boyle, Pete Pfarr, Piers Horgan, Radu Lepsa, Ravi Tanjea, Richard Osborn, Rick Servello, Rob Kerkovich, Robert Choi, Robin Farnsworth, Ronny Herget, Ryan McCord, Sam Gardner, Scott Anderson, shaun p kelleher, shea steinbacher, Simon Mounsey, Spqan x, Steffen Lydvo, Steve Ransom, STEVE SILVA, Stuart Tom Hohl, Trevor Savage, Troy Ready, Ueli Reinhard, Wade Crossman, Wesley Cowperthwaite, Will Morgan, Xcaliber C.

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